Thursday, December 2, 2021

Thankful Thursday : Featuring The Kitty Crew

I am joining this week's Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

We are thankful our grandpaw, which is our hooman's dad who has been working very hard on remeowdeling our new home. It's been a rough past few weeks since the lease ended on our previous apawtment, and we are trying get use to the chaos and noises during the day as construction is happening. Grandpaw says only a few more weeks, he is doing everything he can to finish the work so we can finally settle in! He pawmised he will build a catio so we can enjoy the yard and safely.

Our mom is thankful for this community, and getting the chance to meet other cat lovers out there! She enjoys reading about all the kitties out there and hearing all your stories.  Thank you to everyone who stops by, and can't wait to share more about us!


  1. What a purrty cat pile! Thankful to see all you adorable furries and we're sure you will be thankful when your new-cat-pad is all ready for you!

  2. You all look comfy. Mom's kitties have always loved moving with all the boxes and a new place to explore.

  3. WOW, y'all really are a most beautiful family and we're so glad you joined us in the Cat Blogosphere! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. You look so sweet together. We know you'll be happy to have construction done and to have a pawsome catio!

  5. 'Tis the season when it is so hard to wait for good stuff - but it sounds like your new place is well worth waiting for ! Purrs !

  6. What a gorgeous bunch you are! I love your room and its kitty friendly stuff, is that a One Fast Cat I see? I know being patient can be hard, but I'll bet your grandpaw will have everything in order soon enough.

    1. Thank you! I try to switch it up with enrichment toys for the gang. The wheel is from ZiggyDoo the Ferris Cat Wheel G5. It's slightly above the One Fast Cat but well worth the investment. Sturdier, slightly quieter, a bit bigger, and it's great for really active cats!

  7. Your Grandpaw sounds very sweet. I am thankful you kitties started blogging. XO

  8. You're lucky to have such a pawesome grandpaw!
