Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Cheapest Cat Litter

There are so many different types of litter and over the past two years I've tried out a fair bit. There is clay, crystal, pine, tofu, grass, walnut, corn, newspaper, seriously so many. For my cats the winner is clearly Pretty Litter which is a non-clumping crystal litter which I think is highly because of the very fine grain texture which gives it a very luxurious soft feel on the paws, however it is also probably the most expensive costing about $3.81/LB. The least favorite is definitely FelinePine, a pine pellet also non-clumping which in contrast come to about .426¢/LB. The pellet type litter is much harder and burying their waste is harder on the paws (especially if you have older or declawed cats) which I think is a reason they weren't too fond of it. And they really let me know by pooping on the floors instead. 

Clay is by far the cheapest material in cat litter but some people have had success with alternatives such as horse bedding or making their own homemade litter. I don't really like clay because it is hard to clean, sometimes it cements itself to the box and if you have a box with some curves or nooks it gets EXTREMELY difficult to clean. In my experience clay doesn't hold smell very well and it is very heavy to haul around. The cheapest clay litter is by Frisco which comes to about .37¢/LB.

Looking online the past few days the cheapest clumping non clay option as of May 3, 2022 is Naturally Fresh Multi Cat Litter, 40-lb bag $31.99 which comes to about .80¢/LB. Non-clumping options will always be slightly cheaper than their clumping counterpart. This is still cost more than double what clay litter goes for but it is very easy to clean and holds smells pretty well. Petco has the option of ordering online and picking up in store for and additional 10% off. 

What litter do you use?

Sunday, January 30, 2022

In a Glance @ Week 4 : Jan 24 - Jan 30

We had some delay with finalizing the last inspection for the house so now I'm 2 or 3 weeks behind. I also ruined parts of my flooring due to cat urine, though it's not the worst thing in the world but it does suck. 

Had to take Chief the Maine Coon to the vet to get an enema as he was very constipated. I'm trying to add more fiber in his diet as it's the second time this has happened. Poor guy.

Took some pics of the kitty gang.

Hope everyone is having a good week, and stay warm!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

In a Glance @ Week 3 : Jan 17 - Jan 23

Hi everyone!

This past week was pretty crazy but I'm happy to say we are finishing up the last bit of the remodeling and I'm really hoping I'll get back to a good routine for me and the kitty fam. I will be reaching out to the city's building department to schedule a final inspection *fingers crossed*

Earlier this week I took Chief out for a little outdoor adventure with another kitty friend and this time he did much better than during the big meet up the prior week. I think there were too many people and cats and not enough greenery for him to explore. We went to a little area this time and he was adamant about chasing the squirrels and birds! Of course he was on a leash and I did not let him go far as if he had his way he would run all the way up the side of the steep hill! I think he was getting a little frustrated because he really wanted to get up close with the small animals, he is a cat after all.

Also, I won Sweet Purrfection's giveaway! I am so stoked because it's the first time I won any giveaway. The SleepyPod carrier is a big hit with the kitty crew, I leave it out and they use it as a bed. It's great as a carrier as well because it can close on the top making it easier to get cats into it. Thank You Paula!

I also got my planner in the mail, it's very adorable with everyone's kitty photos in it. I absolutely love it.

I hope everyone is having a good week, I'll be swinging by your blogs when I get a chance this week. Woo!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday : Beautiful Parks

We are joining Brian's Home Thankful Thursday and today we are thankful for the beautiful parks we can bring our adventurous kitties to. Last weekend we had a cat meetup and a total of 12 cats showed up! We saw some old friends as well as met new friends, and the weather was amazingly sunny. 

Chief enjoys going outside, mostly to smell the plants and chew on grass, he doesn't really "walk" so to speak but he loves it. I hope to explore more small parks around the city so I can take him to go explore as well however, when you are taking your cat out there will always be a possibility of off-leashed dogs so always be vigilant!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

2022 | Week Two

Today is International Kiss a Ginger Cat Day on 1/12! Here is a snap of Zorro, my sweet boy with some serious murder mittens. Not quite ginger but kind of orange. Honorary Ginger Boy. He has an exceptional sweet temperament that sometimes I think he believes he's a dog. We had some playtime while the remodeling is finishing up. 

I'm about done riding out this cold I had the past week, and it really sucks when you get sick! I feel groggy and unmotivated to get work done but I'm hopeful that I will be back to my old self in the next few days. 

√ We are just about finished with the remodeling, and I'm guesstimating we will be done in 2 weeks time.

√  My car is fixed, woo!

Online classes just started and one of the class is a reading heavy, writing heavy class which is not my strong point. It's going to be a bit of a grind to get this done the next 5 months!

√ I got a meat grinder during Black Friday for a REALLY good price but today I broke it :( I use it to make raw meals for the kitty gang but I got too excited and overstuffed the poor thing and it gave out...RIP Weston Pro #8 it was nice knowing you even if it was just a short while...On the bright side I went ahead to get the Weston Pro #32. The Pro line is better for preparing raw pet food and making your own grinds and the #8 is actually great but it can mostly handle small bones, chicken wings and necks but is capable of handling bigger bones as long as you cut them to smaller pieces first and skin should also be cut down before going into the machine. The #32 is more heavy duty and should be easier to grind up bones without me cutting them down first, saving me a lot of time!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sunday Selfie 04 : Lettuce Girl

We are joining The Cat on My Head for this week's Sunday Selfie!

This is my diva girl Cleo who loves romaine lettuce! Perhaps it's the crunch or texture that she likes, who knows! She is ALWAYS getting to mischief, eating things she's not suppose to, getting on top of the cabinets, hiding toys under the fridge, the list goes on...but still my diva girl!

I wanted to blog everyday as a goal this year but not likely as I am still waiting on some things to finish up with the remodeling, then wait for the final inspection. Once we get the final inspection I can start arranging furniture and finally be able to call it my home! Was out of internet for a while and now my laptop is sort of malfunctioning but we will make it work. I got sick with a cold (negative for COVID, thank goodness) pretty much as soon as the year started haha and I'm still recovering, bleh! But I'll be ok.

How is everyone's 2022 going so far?

My "resolutions" (more like work in progress because why wait for a new year to start doing something right?) for this year is :

- start driving more and get in some more practice
- finish the house, start on the downstairs portion
- take some horse riding lessons
- spend more time with my cats
- take Chief, Cleo, and Zorro out on more walks
- set up a catio for the kitty crew
- finish my last semester (class starts tomorrow!!)
- manifest my second home (hopefully in the next 10 years, but a girl can dream)
- do only the things that bring me joy and happiness!
- no more negativity, bad juju, bad vibes, negative people