Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sunday Selfie 04 : Lettuce Girl

We are joining The Cat on My Head for this week's Sunday Selfie!

This is my diva girl Cleo who loves romaine lettuce! Perhaps it's the crunch or texture that she likes, who knows! She is ALWAYS getting to mischief, eating things she's not suppose to, getting on top of the cabinets, hiding toys under the fridge, the list goes on...but still my diva girl!

I wanted to blog everyday as a goal this year but not likely as I am still waiting on some things to finish up with the remodeling, then wait for the final inspection. Once we get the final inspection I can start arranging furniture and finally be able to call it my home! Was out of internet for a while and now my laptop is sort of malfunctioning but we will make it work. I got sick with a cold (negative for COVID, thank goodness) pretty much as soon as the year started haha and I'm still recovering, bleh! But I'll be ok.

How is everyone's 2022 going so far?

My "resolutions" (more like work in progress because why wait for a new year to start doing something right?) for this year is :

- start driving more and get in some more practice
- finish the house, start on the downstairs portion
- take some horse riding lessons
- spend more time with my cats
- take Chief, Cleo, and Zorro out on more walks
- set up a catio for the kitty crew
- finish my last semester (class starts tomorrow!!)
- manifest my second home (hopefully in the next 10 years, but a girl can dream)
- do only the things that bring me joy and happiness!
- no more negativity, bad juju, bad vibes, negative people


  1. What a beautiful girl you are Cleo! My Fox loves romaine lettuce too. I like those resolutions, especially the no more bad juju!

  2. Very cute kitty. Sorry you were sick.Glad it wasn't COVID.

  3. You're beautiful, Cleo ! Blog for fun, and good luck for your great resolutions ! Purrs

  4. Cleo looks every inch a Queen. What a beauty!

  5. No resolutions here thank goodness we just want to do our best for 2022 and make it a good year with lots of sunshine and cats!

  6. At least lettuce is a relatively harmless thing for her to be eating ! Purrs !

  7. Beautiful Cleo, you are a stunner! Happy New Year from all of us!

  8. Cleo, you are so beautiful! Our angel cat, Moosey, loved lettuce, too. :)

    Great list of "resolutions." Good luck with the remodeling and inspection, and with your last semester!

  9. Cats and lettuce...Kozmo used to like to eat the new plats as they came out of the ground in the garden...not any more though. And I love your list! Now I am old (and retired), I have to write everything down or I forget to do it. Have a marvellously happy weeK!
