Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Happy Tuesday : Featuring Memol

Happy Tuesday blog hop is hosted by Comedy Plus!

Here is Memol, a Scottish Fold Cat and another kitty I have cat-sat for. She's a quiet and reserved girl but her favorite position to relax in is sitting like she's a human being. It makes me laugh every time I visit her because I never seen a cat do this before. I wonder if it is comfortable for little Memol? The Scottish Fold Cat is quite adorable, they almost look like an owl! Hoo, Hoo~!

Sadly my schedule has changed as of late so I have to cut back on my cat sitting services. I will miss seeing Memol and Misha (her little brofur also Scottish Fold) and their little antics! It's not so easy to say good bye to these lovely babies but they are such sweet cats that their next cat sitter will have a blast, I just know it!

Does your kitty(s) have any funny quirks?


  1. This kitty looks like a really funny personality. I'm sure not only you will miss the kitties, but their owners will miss having a sitter!

  2. Hello ~ thanks for stopping by to visit with us. We, too, think the Scottish Fold kits are quite adorable ... your photos are especially fun to see. Hope to see more kitty adventures here, welcome to cat blogging!

  3. Such a cutie! Our Angel Gracie used to sit in our recliner like a human, one arm on the arm of the chair as well.

  4. So cute. Sitting like that looks uncomfortable, but I'm sure it's not for her. What a cutie pie.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥

  5. Memol is adorable. I love the books about the Scottish fold Norton.

  6. I would love to have a Scottish Fold cat to sit and keep company with.
